Double platinum for Wild dances album in Ukraine

by roel 275 views

Ruslana is doing great business in home country Ukraine. Her Wild dances album reached the double platinum status after having sold more than 200.000 copies! While her Eurovision single is conquering the charts all over Europe, plans for a European album release are made.

Ruslana already wrote history in the Ukrainian music industry when her album Wild dances reached the platinum status on 3rd October 2003 by officially selling 100.000 copies. An amount she reached in only 100 days and without doing a concert tour!

Winning the Eurovision Song Contest gave the album a second life. The number of officially sold copies crossed the level of 200.000 and keeps on growing. A few thousands of Wild dances albums are sold every day, seeing for an absolute record in Ukraine.

In the nearest futur (end of June), there will be an official full scale album release in Europe.