Bambie Thug brings Ireland back on the Eurovision map after 24 years!

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 500 views

Move over Sweden, there’s a new witch in town (well, at least sharing the title)! Ireland just snagged its best Eurovision placing in 24 years thanks to the electrifying performance of Cork-born artist Bambie Thug. That’s right, folks, with a thumping good time of a song called “Doomsday Blue,” Ireland stomped back into the Eurovision Top 6, a feat not seen since the year 2000!

Bambie Thug placed 6th at Eurovision 2024 (Photo credit: Sarah Louise Cumming/EBU)

Let’s just take a moment to appreciate Ireland’s Eurovision dominance. This Emerald Isle holds the record for most Eurovision wins with a whopping seven victories with Sweden! Think catchy tunes that burrow into your brain and powerful vocals that leave you wanting more? Then you’re thinking of Dana (1970), Johnny Logan (who snagged wins in both 1980 and 1987!), Linda Martin (1992), Niamh Kavanagh (1993), Charlie McGettigan and Paul Harrington (teaming up for glory in 1994), and Eimar Quinn (1996). That’s some serious Eurovision pedigree!

But back to Bambie Thug! This artist, known for shattering stereotypes with their genre-bending music that mixes pop, rock, and electronic elements, brought a fresh, feisty energy to the competition. “Doomsday Blue” wasn’t your typical Eurovision fare – it was darker, with lyrics that explored heartbreak and vulnerability. But fear not, there was a whole lotta power in that performance! Think captivating vocals, fierce stage presence, and maybe even a touch of magic (Bambie Thug themself hinted at some playful “hoodoo” in the song).

The crowd ate it up! The judges loved it and the viewers at home were mesmerised! Ireland, it seems, is back on the Eurovision map in a big way. Whether Bambie Thug can lead Ireland all the way to victory next year remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure – they’ve injected a shot of excitement back into the competition and reminded everyone why Ireland is a Eurovision powerhouse. So here’s to Bambie Thug, for reminding us that Ireland does Eurovision like nobody else!

Ireland in Eurovision

Ireland debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1965 and has won the competition a record 7 times  (1970, 1980, 1987, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996). A record that is now shared with Sweden thanks to Loreen’s epic victory in 2023.

The Emerald Isle holds many a record when it comes to our beloved contest: Ireland is the only country to have won the event 3 times in a row (1992, 1993, 1994), whilst Dublin retains the record of being the only city to have hosted the event twice in a row (1994, 1995).

In fact the 90’s were Ireland’s golden years in Eurovision, the country welcomed the Eurovision bandwagon 4 times in a span of 5 years (1993, 1994, 1995 and 1997) with Dublin hosting the event thrice. The Irish have competed 57 times in the competition.

Source: ESCToday
Photo credit: Corinne Cumming/ EBU