Latvia: Triana Park won Supernova 2017 with more than 50% of the votes

by Gil Laufer 1,038 views

It was Triana Park who won the final of Supernova 2017 on Sunday night and got the Latvian ticket to the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. During the early rounds, the qualifiers were decided by jury and televoting, but the viewers at home were responsible for choosing the winner of the grand final. The Latvian broadcaster LTV has now published the full outcome of the voting sequence.

The public vote was made of three factors: Online Voting, SMS/Televoting and Spotify Streams. Each is considered as a separate vote but makes 33% of the final outcome. (In brackets: Online + Televoting + Spotify = Total)

  1. Triana ParkLine (60.74% + 57.87% + 36.07% = 51.56%)
  2. The LudvigI’m in love with you (15.24% + 12.76% + 28.95% = 18.98%)
  3. My Radiant YouAll I know (14.73% + 15.66% + 19.15% = 16.52%)
  4. Santa DaņeļevičaYour breath (9.29% + 13.71% + 15.83% = 12.94%)

The voting figures for the two heats and the semifinal are unknown, and might be published later. During the last two years, the number of votes were revealed during the shows or shortly after, which caused problems as Supernova’s mechanism makes the same songs compete against each other week after week. This year’s voting figures remained a secret to mostly avoid tries of artists and/or fan bases to influence the result based on the previous show’s result.

Triana Park and Line will participate in the second half Eurovision Song Contest 2017’s first semifinal on 9 May.