Discover Vienna: The Natural History Museum

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 845 views

The Venus of Willendorf also tells her history and bears witness to the beginnings of our culture 25,000 years ago. One of the highlights of the museum, in addition to this prehistoric stone figure which is named after the place in the Wachau valley where it was found, is the skeleton cast of a dinosaur, a Diplodocus.

The Dinosaur Hall, which was redesigned in 2011, is full of the skeletons and remains of gigantic prehistoric animals, as well as a realistic allosaurus, which moves and gives out a terrifying roar. The model was built for the Museum of Natural History on the basis of the latest scientific findings. The world’s first life-size model of a terror bird in its original size, along with new exhibits of a fascinating horned dinosaur skull, complement the impressive permanent collection.

The Gem Hall of the museum literally shines with its giant topaz (117 kilograms) and the jewel bouquet of Maria Theresia. And during a guided tour one can enjoy a unique view of the old city of Vienna from the roof of the museum.

It has been possible to marvel at the world’s biggest and oldest collection of meteorites in the reopened meteorite room since November 2012. 1,100 rocks that have fallen from the sky can be seen there. And with the aid of simulator, a powerful meteorite impact can be shown on a screen in 3D.

The architectural mirror image of the Museum of Natural History is the Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum) on the opposite side, which was also built according to designs by Gottfried Semper and Karl von Hasenauer.

How to get there?

Both the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Natural History Museum are located at Maria-Theresien Platz next to the Imperial Hofburg Palace and close to the MuseumsQuartier. The best way to get the museums is via the metro U-Bahn: U2 the Purple Line and get down at MuseumsQuartier or at Volkstheater / U3 the Orange Line and get down at Volkstheater.

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