Portugal: Meet the Portuguese hopefuls

by Daniel Doyle 714 views

Leonor Andrade

Há um Mar que nos Separa

Leonor is 19 years old and comes from a musical family. From a very young age she thought of music as a place of safety and feels that she has a true love for it.

When only 5 years old she started trying to sing in the English language. As time went by and she attended concerts, she came to realise that singing was the particular thing that she wanted to pursue.

At the age of 9 she went to the Conservatory of Albufeira and spent 10 years studying music.

During her young life she has been a backing singer for artists in her region and spends time singing at parties and bars.

She is one of the contestants in the Festival da Canção who has been part of the Voice of Portugal 2014 and was only eliminated in the second last programme.

The composer, Miguel Gameiro, is a singer, author and composer and considered a major name in the music of Portugal. He has written for many artists including Simone de Oliveira.

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