OGAE Spain Convention: the conclusions

by Victor Hondal 123 views

The 2nd OGAE Spain Convention was held today in the Alberto Aguilera Hotel in Madrid. As esctoday.com reported earlier this week, several VIP guests, such as Eva Santamaría (Spain 1993), María Mendiola (Baccara – Luxembourg 1978) or D'Nash (Spain 2007), have attended the meeting. Various internal OGAE subjects, ticket issues, flights and accomodation in Belgrade and the possibility of a national preselection to choose the Spanish entry for 2008 have been some of the topics the presents have talked about.

The OGAE Convention, held in Madrid, started at 10 am with an expected attendance of over 90 members, welcomed by the president of OGAE Spain José Juan Santana, who has been also the spokesman and conductor of the Congress.

The first issue that came out was the tickets availability for Eurovision 2007. José Juan Santana stated that there had been problems for several OGAE national clubs -OGAE Spain amongst them- regarding the Helsinki tickets, because the Finnish club monopolised many tickets. The situation for 2008 is likely to be much better, since Svante Stockselius, the executive supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, has announced that he will oversee all this procedure, Santana explained. OGAE Spain has requested 125 tickets. Santana is sure that everyone that has asked for one, will have it.

Also José Juan Santana announced that, after conversations with the Head of the TVE Festivals Department, Federico Llano, a national preselection for 2008 "is likely to be held". Those selection programmes would host "8, 10 or 12 songs at most". Santana added that TVE would evaluate those singers with a record company behind, better if that company is an important one.

OGAE Spain will submit their own song to TVE, as a candidate to represent Spain in Belgrade 2008. It is called Un camino sin ti (A way without you) and its lyrics are composed by José Juan Santana along with Miguel Loredo. Santana also said that this theme could be offered to Coral, a singer who failed to enter the 2007 Spanish preselection Misión Eurovisión.

Just like in 2007, special guests have attended the event. The first of them has been Karina (Spain 1971). Following, Eva Santamaría (Spain 1993), who has revealed that she was offered several times to do Eurovision again, but she refused. Other guestswere María Mendiola (a half of Baccara, the duo that represented Luxembourg in 1978) and finally, D'Nash, the Spanish representatives this year in Helsinki. The four boys stated that it was a pleasure to participate in Eurovision and they would do it again. D'Nash also explained that they are preparing a new CD, to be released next November.