A Right Royal Eurovision

by Richard West-Soley 89 views

British Eurovision flag-flyers Scooch received one of the sincerest forms of flattery over the weekend, from none other than the Queen's granddaughter and friends.

Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anne and granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth, dressed in a metallic blue suit and performed Flying the Flag (For You) with the five-strong horseriding team at the party near Rome.

The team, captained by Phillips, are in Italy for the European Eventing Championships, and competed against other national teams in a mock contest. Unlike Scooch, the British band won by a mile in Italy, beating a Hawaiian-inspired French entry and a German group clad in white tights and tutus. The team now hope to continue their run of success by securing a seventh European team gold in a row.

Richard West-Soley

Senior Editor

Richard's ESC history began way back in 1992, when he discovered the contest could fuel his passion for music and languages. Since then, it's been there at every corner for him in some way or another. He joined the esctoday.com team back in 2006, and quickly developed a love for writing about the contest. In his other life, he heads the development team at the learning resources company Linguascope, and writes about all aspects of language learning on the site Polyglossic.com.