Junior Eurovision: Italy wins the 2014 contest!

by Jessica Weaver 302 views

This evening, the 12th annual Junior Eurovision Song Contest took place in the host city of Marsa, Malta and was hosted by Moira Delia. A total of 16 countries participated in the event, but only one country could take home the Junior Eurovision victory.

Among the 16 participating countries included 4 returning countries – Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus and Serbia – as well as 3 debuting countries – Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia.

Like last year, the results from each participating country were decided by a 50/50 public-jury deliberation (excluding San Marino whose votes were decided 100% by the jury). A kids jury was also included in the final vote with the kids jury votes being equivalent to one voting country.

Once the votes were combined, it was unveiled that Vincenzo Cantiello had won the competition for his country, Italy. With his song Tu primo grande amore, Italy received a total of 159 points.

Winning entry

Full results

[table sort=”asc,”]
Place,,Country, Points
1, [Italy], Italy, 159
2, [Bulgaria], Bulgaria, 147
3, [Armenia], Armenia, 146
4, [Malta], Malta, 116
5, [Russia], Russia, 96
6, [Ukraine], Ukraine, 74
7, [Belarus], Belarus, 71
8, [The Netherlands], The Netherlands, 70
9, [Cyprus], Cyprus, 69
10, [Serbia], Serbia, 61
11, [Georgia], Georgia, 54
12, [Slovenia], Slovenia, 29
13, [Sweden], Sweden, 28
14, [Montenegro], Montenegro, 24
15, [San Marino], San Marino, 21
16, [Croatia], Croatia, 13

Stay tuned to esctoday.com for the latest news on the Eurovision Song Contest.