Peach Weber is ready

by Steve Holyer 96 views

Now that Switzerland has officially kicked-off the campaign to find its 2008 entrant for the Eurovision Song Contest in Serbia, one Swiss comedian said he is ready to apply for the job. Peach Weber is well-known in Switzerland for his homespun comic routines both as a spoken-word storyteller and as a folk singer accompanying himself on guitar. Now Weber says he will certainly apply with Swiss Television for the job of representing Switzerland.

"The earnest singers have not succeeded for Switzerland , now the comedians must go", Peach Weber was quoted saying today in the Swiss light-reading newspaper 20 Minuten.

The idea of sending Peach Weber to the Song Contest in Serbia was actually an idea that DJ BoBo threw out during his homecoming press conference last May. Making a prepared statement he indicated that he believed well-known Swiss singers who would showcase the Swiss music scene should apply. Then off the top of his head – after mentioning the diverse nature of Swiss music today – he said the name of an ideal successor "Peach Weber." The press latched on to that extemporaneous statement, and later when he was chatting with and two other reporters DJ BoBo giggled, "Maybe I should have talked to Peach before I threw his name out like that." One of the other reporters, from Swiss Television, said he'd already called Peach for a comment and the comedian answered then that he was ready to sing.

Today, Weber says he is thinking about the songs Wadde hadde dudde da? and Guildo hat euch lieb from German personalities Stefan Raab and Guildo Horn. "Such banal songs always go far", he said. The comedian who often relates the foibles of Swiss living in his native Swiss German dialect said he would be sending something multilingual to Swiss Television. Something like his song Sun, fun and nothing to do.