A concert will take place this autumn in Zagreb to commemorate the life of the Bosnian-born Croatian composer Đorđe Novković, who died suddenly on 6th May this year.
Many great names from Croatian music are expected to appear and honour the great musician, who wrote Croatia's first ever Eurovision Song Contest entry in 1993, Don't Ever Cry.
His son Boris, who represented Croatia at the 2005 contest in Kiev, wrote a poem for his father, which he recited at the crematorium on the day of the funeral. Boris, who was estranged from his father for a short period earlier this decade, pulled out of of the TV show Zvijezde pjevaju (The Stars Sing) as he was in such a shock grieving for his father.
The poem can be seen below, with a translation:
Ima nekih
There are some words of love
Koje nismo rekli ljudima
Which we have not said to people
Kad htjeli smo, već je bilo prekasno
When we wanted to, it was already too late
Ima nekih dragih osoba
There are some dear people
koje nikad nisu dobile nje�ne riječi koje su zaslu�ile
Who have never received the gentle words they deserved
Godine kroz maglu prolaze
The years pass through fog
Najdra�e nam ljude odnose
They take away our dearest ones
I nikad im ne ka�eš riječi te
And never speak those words to them
Volio bih da si tu
I wish you were here
Da ti mogu reći sve
That I could tell you everything
Da ti priznam da ne mogu bez tebe
That I could admit that I can't live without you
Volio bih da si tu
I wish you were here
da ti mogu reći sve
That I could tell you everything
da ti ka�em samo
That I could only say to you
Tata, volim te
Dad, I love you
A nekad nam nisu ni trebale riječi da bi se razumjeli
And we never needed words to understand each other
O stvarima za koje smo skupa �ivjeli
About the things welived through together
Ali iz mog srca iskreno
But from my heart, honestly
Nešto bih ti glasno rekao
I would tell you something loudly
S tobom, i svoj sam put spoznao
With you I found my own way
Volio bih da si tu
I wish you were here
Da ti mogu reći sve
That I could tell you everything
Da ti priznam da ne mogu bez tebe
That I could admit that I can't live without you
Volio bih da si tu
I wish you were here
da ti mogu reći sve
That I could tell you everything
da ti samo ka�em
That I could only say to you
Tata, volim te
Dad, I love you