Exclusive: Portugal dance styles for EDC revealed

by Stella Floras 82 views

Sónia Araújo alongside Ricardo Silva will be the dancing duo who will represent Portugal at the first edition of Eurovision Dance Contest. The dance styles to be preformed on stage will be jive on the first choreography and tango on the freestyle section as Sonja revealed to Luís André Florindo for esctoday.com.

Sónia and Ricardo will intensify the preparations for the contest at the end of the month of July and work throughout August. All aspects of the act will be considered and mostly the technical moves. Sónia considers that her biggest challenge will be following all the rules and trying not to do any faux-pas.

She feels confident and a bit anxious. "It's a great responsibility to represent Portugal at such a big event and even greater if it is the first time. I will do my best to make people proud and to be at the level of the other contests, many of whom are professionals", said Sónia Araújo to ESCtoday.

The musical arrangements will be done by Fernando Martins, an experienced musical producer. The music first dance routine is still being discussed. The music for the tango will by a piece by "tango virtuoso" Astor Piazzolla to which will be added the sound of the portuguese guitar and a percursion instrument called "adufe". This will add the flavour of portuguese fado and folklore to the performance.

Sónia Araújo while hosting the morning show on RTP will also present on the show, in the coming weeks, some dancing routines with a group of dancers she created.

A very special thank you to Luís André Florindo for the submission of the article.

Stella Floras

Thanks to Johnny Logan and Hold me now I fell in love with the Eurovision Song Contest, a love that's been going strong ever since with undiminished passion. My first memories date back to 1977 and the lyrics of Rock bottom, Dschinghis Khan and A ba ni bi are still engraved in my brain.

I joined esctoday.com in 2006 as a junior editor after being invited by Barry Viniker, I soon became Senior Editor and during the 2007 contest in Helsinki I was appointed Head of Communications. Today I hold the post of Head of Human Resources and I am proud to be working with the best editorial team in the world.