Mihai Traistariu performing with sport stars

by Aris kalimeris 61 views

Mihai Traistariu, the Romanian representative in the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest in Athens, will be on stage with the Romanian Golden Team which will include eight girls and two boys that won medals in various gymnastic games, international competitions and Olympics.

Mihai will perform two songs at the event, his song contest entry Tornero and Dimmi si o no while the golden team will perform a 3 minutes lasting show. Mihai is also thinkingof a possible collaboration with the team in case he will be participating in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

“I felt great on the stage with them . I really think it could be a good idea to take them with me for Eurovision. It's fantastic what they can do on stage. It's exactly what I missed in 2006. I hope – next time I will have on stage a show like this on Eurovision Song Contest." declared Mihai.

The big surprise of the event will be a duet that Mihai will make with 'golden girl' Sabina Cojocar, whowas born in Sibiu, Romania, in 1985 and has recently retired from the sport community due to health problems and now she is thinking to make her first steps as a singer.

Mihai Traistariu has also been invited to perform at the Romanian Top Hits Music Awards that will take place on 3rd and 4th August in Bacau. Mihai is nominated for Best Hit Boys Awards with the song Dimmi si o no which will also be performed that night along with Tornerò.

Mihai Traistariu has also met the representative of Tommy Motolla last week and discussed everything about their collaboration. Atthe beginning of July, the producer from Portugal who's working for the famous hitmaker Tommy Motolla arrived in Romania and met with Catalin Muraru, music executive and owner of Roton Records and they talked about a possible collaboration. Mihai has to sing two songs that were given to him by the producerin a demo.

"I can't choose my own songs, cause he gave me 2 demo songs. I thinkI will not have any problem with this because i can adopt my voice to any style" said Mihai. In case that something happens and Mihai will not collaborate with the American producer, he really wants to give his best for the L.A. Awards where he will participate at the category of Best Male Voice.Theywill take place at the end of September in Los Angeles, USA.

You still can vote for Mihaifor the Romanian Top Hit Awards here, until 31 of July.You may vote for him once / 3 days .