Luminita Anghel and Jose Carreras

by Aris kalimeris 124 views

Luminita Anghel, the Romanian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2005 in kiev organized the Gala Charity Dinner that took place on the 3rd of July in Bucharest at the Parliament palace. Jose Carreras, the famous opera singer, was one of the guest stars during that night and of course he performed live in front of all the people that have been gathered there for the Gala.

The auction included personal objects of famous Romanian People such as the T-shirt of Cristian Chivu, the Romanian footballer and captain of the national team, with his autograph which has been sold for 9.000 euro, a bottle of champagne from Ilie Nastase, the former Romanian tennis player and one of the top players from the 1970’s while Jose Carreras offered his personal pencil which has been sold for 3.000 euro.

The concert that has been given during the night of the Gala Charity Dinner has been organized by Luminita Anghel and Bogdan Fraedrich. Jose Carreras got up on stage at 21:00 accompanied by the George Enescu philharmonic band. He performed seven parts from several operas signed by Francesco Paolo Tosti, Vincenzo Bellini, Edvard Grieg, Josep Ribas, Franz Lehar, Ernesto Tagliaferri and Stanislao Gastaldon.

The target of the Charity Dinner was to earn as much money as possible to help the humanitarian organization, United Way Romania, and some other organizations. The amount of money that has been earned was 30.000 euro although the Gala cost 400.000 euro.