DJ BoBo: “The right song won”

by Steve Holyer 161 views

DJ BoBo hosted a “homecoming” press conference today in Stans, Switzerland where his record label is based. Because of the high expectations of fans, experts and bookies the showman said he “fell a long way” when he saw the semi final result. After Helsinki, the Swiss showman and his wife Nancy – who danced next to him on stage – took two weeks off to recover their energy and spend time with their two small children. During his first public appearance since the Contest, DJ BoBo spoke of his new album and tour, a potential return to the Song Contest, and the mood in the “green room”. During the conference he also said he was glad to see, and he sent a thrilled “hello” to everyone reading.

After taking the train along the shore of Lake Lucerne which is surrounded by mountains and farmland – like pictures from a postcard set, found DJ BoBo and his press conference in the peaceful town of Stans.

The Swiss entertainer entered the room where around 30 journalists and photographers from Swiss television, radio and newspapers were gathered and greeted everyone warmly and casually. First DJ BoBo wanted to let everyone know he's still here, and he has plans for the next two years. These include his new tour which he's preparing now. The new show is based on his full Vampires concept album which was released 11th May. The show will kick off at Europa Park the large amusement park in Germany near the Swiss border the first weekend in December. The world premiere of the full Vampires show is already sold out, but seats are still available for the other performances that weekend. (See his website here for details.)

DJ BoBo volunteered that he would be very open to returning to the Eurovision Song Contest, but only after two years – first he wants to give other established Swiss artists the chance to follow his lead in representing Switzerland.

Brushing off all questions that asked him to place blame, the showman said he was concerned about being a "good sport" and "good loser". "When you play football or hockey, and you lose, you go to the other team, shake their hand and say, 'The right team won'." He said the first instinct may be to complain and blame the referee or something else. But he explains you quickly have to get that under control. With a twinkle in his eyes, DJ BoBo said, "In the end it was in God's hands, and the good Lord decided for a song called 'Prayer'." And then earnestly – and very sportsman-like – he proclaimed, "The right song won."

He claims that he and the Swiss delegation remained quiet in the green room as the results were being announced. "By the fourth or fifth envelope all the Western countries realized what was going on," the entertainer said. Referring to the Eastern sweep of the results, DJ BoBo said he didn't expect his name to be in the 10th envelope. While he says the Swiss delegation remained quiet as the results were read, he claims that a few western delegations reacted very negatively either in the green room or just outside. He says there were loud complaints, and a bottle or two (plastic we hope) may even have been thrown to the ground in frustration over the results.

Always a little bit devilish, DJ BoBo pointed out "The West have a good chance next year. With most of the Eastern countries directly qualified for the final, a few Western countries have a good chance of making it out of the semi final."

When posed the last question of the press conference ("Now that it's over would you use the storefront dummies again, or not?"), DJ BoBo's was thrilled. "I love the attitude at I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to the readers after the semi final. Please give a big 'hello' to everyone at and especially all the readers," he implored. (And of course he would use the storefront dummies again. "They belonged to the show… Or, do you think we would have made it to the final without them?")