Big Poll 2007: Your verdict!

by Richard West-Soley 129 views

The team has been collecting your predictions since the last semifinalist was announced, and now, mere hours before the ten lucky countries are selected by televoters, we can bring to you the results, as decided by members all over Europe!

The results have been taken and divided into countries, to reflect the televoting juries at home all around Europe tonight. From each country, the traditional points 1-8, 10 and 12 are then awarded according to the top tenfrom each.After all this number-crunching, Malta tops the reader poll, with Turkey only a single point behind. Serbia follows a little way back in third position. Altogether, the ten qualifiers readers predictfor tonight are:

  • Malta
  • Turkey
  • Serbia
  • FYR Macedonia
  • Belarus
  • Andorra
  • Norway
  • Slovenia
  • Hungary
  • Cyprus

Switzerland and Czech Republic are predicted to just miss out byour visitors. Switzerland only fell outits top ten position today, for the first time. Latvia takes the prize for thefastest riser.

However, take heart if you seeyour own country below the top ten mark. Although the predictions have often come true in the past, such asin 2004 when the top two were correctly predicted, the results are not alwaysa hard and fast guide; in 2005, Selma and Glennis Grace were both predicted to make the final, as was Kate Ryan in 2006, but all three fell at the semifinal hurdle.

As the largest, and most detailed prediction poll on the Internet, the Big Poll represents the opinions of 4,875 voters across the globe.

The complete list is as follows, along with points:

1) Malta (295 points)
2) Turkey (294 points)
3) Serbia (263 points)
4) FYR Macedonia (256 points)
5) Belarus (209 points)
6) Andorra (204 points)
7) Norway (186 points)
8) Slovenia (115 points)
9) Hungary (107 points)
10) Cyprus (106 points)
11) Switzerland (100 points)
12) Czech Republic (49 points)
13) Estonia (48 points)
14) Iceland (39 points)
15) Portugal (37 points)
16) Austria (32 points)
17) Bulgaria (29 points)
18) Georgia (22 points)
19) Moldova (17 points)
20) Latvia (14 points)
21) Poland (10 points)
22) Denmark (3 points)
23) Albania (1 point)

Israel, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Croatia and Belgium all failed to score points with the international juries of voters.

Below are the complete votes of the big poll, bycountry.

Votes from: France (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Turkey
10 to Cyprus
8 to Switzerland
7 to Slovenia
6 to Serbia
5 to Norway
4 to Andorra
3 to Malta
2 to Belarus
1 to Hungary

Votes from: Ireland (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Malta
8 to Belarus
7 to Switzerland
6 to Turkey
5 to Andorra
4 to FYR Macedonia
3 to Slovenia
2 to Cyprus
1 to Denmark

Votes from: Iceland (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Andorra
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Turkey
6 to Norway
5 to Belarus
4 to Hungary
3 to Serbia
2 to Cyprus
1 to Denmark

Votes from: Spain (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Switzerland
10 to Turkey
8 to Belarus
7 to Slovenia
6 to Serbia
5 to Andorra
4 to Cyprus
3 to Malta
2 to FYR Macedonia
1 to Norway

Votes from: United Kingdom (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Switzerland
10 to Serbia
8 to Malta
7 to Belarus
6 to Turkey
5 to Cyprus
4 to FYR Macedonia
3 to Andorra
2 to Slovenia
1 to Norway

Votes from: Germany (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Turkey
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Belarus
6 to Andorra
5 to Switzerland
4 to Cyprus
3 to Malta
2 to Hungary
1 to Slovenia

Votes from: Austria (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Turkey
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Hungary
6 to Andorra
5 to Norway
4 to Switzerland
3 to Malta
2 to Estonia
1 to Czech Republic

Votes from: Switzerland (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Turkey
10 to Serbia
8 to Belarus
7 to Norway
6 to Slovenia
5 to Cyprus
4 to Andorra
3 to FYR Macedonia
2 to Bulgaria
1 to Denmark

Votes from: Belgium (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Turkey
10 to Serbia
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Slovenia
6 to Malta
5 to Cyprus
4 to Belarus
3 to Switzerland
2 to Andorra
1 to Hungary

Votes from: Cyprus (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Belarus
10 to Bulgaria
8 to Malta
7 to Switzerland
6 to Turkey
5 to Serbia
4 to Andorra
3 to FYR Macedonia
2 to Norway
1 to Slovenia

Votes from: The Netherlands (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Turkey
8 to Serbia
7 to FYR Macedonia
6 to Norway
5 to Belarus
4 to Slovenia
3 to Cyprus
2 to Andorra
1 to Hungary

Votes from: Sweden (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Belarus
10 to Serbia
8 to Turkey
7 to Cyprus
6 to FYR Macedonia
5 to Andorra
4 to Switzerland
3 to Malta
2 to Hungary
1 to Iceland

Votes from: Turkey (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to FYR Macedonia
8 to Norway
7 to Andorra
6 to Czech Republic
5 to Portugal
4 to Hungary
3 to Estonia
2 to Austria
1 to Slovenia

Votes from: Israel (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Malta
8 to Belarus
7 to FYR Macedonia
6 to Switzerland
5 to Cyprus
4 to Turkey
3 to Norway
2 to Andorra
1 to Iceland

Votes from: Greece (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Cyprus
10 to Bulgaria
8 to Belarus
7 to Serbia
6 to Malta
5 to Turkey
4 to Andorra
3 to FYR Macedonia
2 to Switzerland
1 to Norway

Votes from: Portugal (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Belarus
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Turkey
6 to Slovenia
5 to Malta
4 to Switzerland
3 to Cyprus
2 to Andorra
1 to Norway

Votes from: Norway (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Belarus
8 to Iceland
7 to FYR Macedonia
6 to Turkey
5 to Cyprus
4 to Malta
3 to Andorra
2 to Switzerland
1 to Hungary

Votes from: Finland (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Belarus
10 to Serbia
8 to Turkey
7 to Switzerland
6 to FYR Macedonia
5 to Malta
4 to Iceland
3 to Andorra
2 to Cyprus
1 to Georgia

Votes from: Slovenia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to FYR Macedonia
10 to Serbia
8 to Malta
7 to Andorra
6 to Norway
5 to Belarus
4 to Austria
3 to Turkey
2 to Cyprus
1 to Estonia

Votes from: Bosnia & Herzegovina (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Turkey
10 to FYR Macedonia
8 to Serbia
7 to Slovenia
6 to Malta
5 to Hungary
4 to Norway
3 to Andorra
2 to Belarus
1 to Bulgaria

Votes from: Croatia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to FYR Macedonia
10 to Serbia
8 to Slovenia
7 to Malta
6 to Turkey
5 to Norway
4 to Andorra
3 to Belarus
2 to Cyprus
1 to Hungary

Votes from: Estonia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Norway
8 to Andorra
7 to FYR Macedonia
6 to Belarus
5 to Turkey
4 to Switzerland
3 to Hungary
2 to Austria
1 to Serbia

Votes from: FYR Macedonia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Slovenia
8 to Turkey
7 to Norway
6 to Malta
5 to Andorra
4 to Hungary
3 to Portugal
2 to Belarus
1 to Czech Republic

Votes from: Hungary (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to FYR Macedonia
10 to Serbia
8 to Norway
7 to Malta
6 to Cyprus
5 to Turkey
4 to Andorra
3 to Slovenia
2 to Belarus
1 to Switzerland

Votes from: Latvia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Andorra
8 to Estonia
7 to Turkey
6 to Norway
5 to Switzerland
4 to Austria
3 to FYR Macedonia
2 to Hungary
1 to Slovenia

Votes from: Lithuania (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Andorra
8 to Belarus
7 to Turkey
6 to Norway
5 to Austria
4 to Estonia
3 to Bulgaria
2 to Latvia
1 to FYR Macedonia

Votes from: Malta (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Norway
10 to FYR Macedonia
8 to Andorra
7 to Turkey
6 to Slovenia
5 to Estonia
4 to Hungary
3 to Portugal
2 to Czech Republic
1 to Latvia

Votes from: Poland (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to FYR Macedonia
10 to Belarus
8 to Malta
7 to Turkey
6 to Georgia
5 to Serbia
4 to Andorra
3 to Norway
2 to Cyprus
1 to Estonia

Votes from: Romania (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Turkey
10 to Malta
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Andorra
6 to Norway
5 to Belarus
4 to Hungary
3 to Cyprus
2 to Moldova
1 to Serbia

Votes from: Russia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Turkey
10 to Belarus
8 to Hungary
7 to Norway
6 to Andorra
5 to Malta
4 to Cyprus
3 to Georgia
2 to Slovenia
1 to Serbia

Votes from: Ukraine (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Turkey
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Georgia
6 to Andorra
5 to Serbia
4 to Hungary
3 to Estonia
2 to Latvia
1 to Slovenia

Votes from: Albania (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Norway
10 to Turkey
8 to Czech Republic
7 to Andorra
6 to Hungary
5 to Malta
4 to FYR Macedonia
3 to Slovenia
2 to Portugal
1 to Austria

Votes from: Andorra (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Iceland
8 to Poland
7 to Serbia
6 to Slovenia
5 to FYR Macedonia
4 to Norway
3 to Switzerland
2 to Hungary
1 to Turkey

Votes from: Belarus (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Estonia
10 to Czech Republic
8 to Hungary
7 to Turkey
6 to Latvia
5 to Austria
4 to Georgia
3 to Moldova
2 to Poland
1 to Albania

Votes from: Bulgaria (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Malta
10 to Norway
8 to Andorra
7 to FYR Macedonia
6 to Czech Republic
5 to Portugal
4 to Hungary
3 to Turkey
2 to Estonia
1 to Austria

Votes from: Moldova (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Andorra
10 to Czech Republic
8 to Norway
7 to Portugal
6 to Hungary
5 to Malta
4 to Turkey
3 to Austria
2 to Belarus
1 to FYR Macedonia

Votes from: Czech Republic (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Andorra
10 to Malta
8 to Norway
7 to Turkey
6 to Hungary
5 to Iceland
4 to Serbia
3 to Austria
2 to FYR Macedonia
1 to Slovenia

Votes from: Armenia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to FYR Macedonia
10 to Norway
8 to Serbia
7 to Malta
6 to Hungary
5 to Slovenia
4 to Belarus
3 to Portugal
2 to Austria
1 to Czech Republic

Votes from: Georgia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Moldova
10 to Malta
8 to Portugal
7 to Estonia
6 to Hungary
5 to Iceland
4 to Czech Republic
3 to Latvia
2 to Belarus
1 to FYR Macedonia

Votes from: Serbia (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to FYR Macedonia
10 to Malta
8 to Turkey
7 to Slovenia
6 to Norway
5 to Belarus
4 to Hungary
3 to Andorra
2 to Cyprus
1 to Portugal

Votes from: Montenegro (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Slovenia
8 to FYR Macedonia
7 to Belarus
6 to Turkey
5 to Cyprus
4 to Malta
3 to Bulgaria
2 to Norway
1 to Georgia

Votes from: Denmark (Thu 10 May 2007 18:48:19)
12 to Serbia
10 to Belarus
8 to Turkey
7 to FYR Macedonia
6 to Cyprus
5 to Iceland
4 to Switzerland
3 to Andorra
2 to Malta
1 to Hungary

Richard West-Soley

Senior Editor

Richard's ESC history began way back in 1992, when he discovered the contest could fuel his passion for music and languages. Since then, it's been there at every corner for him in some way or another. He joined the team back in 2006, and quickly developed a love for writing about the contest. In his other life, he heads the development team at the learning resources company Linguascope, and writes about all aspects of language learning on the site