The Israeli delegation have informed that they have been assured that the changes requested after their initial rehearsal have now been agreed to after high level meetings with senior production team members from YLE and EBU Executive Superviser for the Eurovision Song Contest, Svante Stockselius.
AlthoughTeapacks will not be allowed any additional rehearsal time, they have received assurances that their requests would be met. Amongst their complaints, the backing video provided had been cut and played on loop to reduce the power of their song's message, and for the first time in modern television production era, only one camera was used without a single change. This was another issue that caused the delegation to complain strongly and threaten to disqualify themselves if they were not given the same level of support from the production crew as other members.
You can see the interview with teapacks following their troubled second rehearsal and subsequent highly charged press conference here.
In interviews with throughout the last two days, the vast majority of participants have been very complementary about the YLE production crew, repeatedly confirming that all their requests after the first rehearsals had been correctly dealt with.
Although we are not sure what happened with the list of changes from Israel, the delegation now seem satisfied that they will be completed in time for the first dress rehearsals on Wednesday morning. Once the dress rehearsals begin, there is no more discussion between delegations and producers about hte stage show, so Israel will have to perform with the stage set up that we see in 2 days time.