Found: Six Happy Latvians!

by Richard West-Soley 61 views

The boys, fresh from their disappearance scare, have been located and are now safely installed back at their hotel in Helsinki.

The Italian possee from Riga caused major alarm when they disappeared from Finland yesterday without a trace. The delegation looked high and low, but not a clue could be found to their true location… Until now. A relieved delegation has welcomed the boys back with open arms after they returned from their AWOL adventure.

Sightseeing across the water had actually been invited to perform at the Flower Festival in Tallinn, Estonia, in front ofan enthusiastic crowd ofmore than 4,000 people. They happily accepted, and fled to the allure of adoring crowds, forgetting the minor detail of letting the rest of the delegation know! After the concert, which was attended by all the major media bodies in the Baltic republic, the lads spent some time sightseeing in the Estonian capital, completely unaware of the fuss they had caused,before returning to Finland for their second individual rehearsal today.

No doubt the lads will bashfully explain themselves at the press conference later today… will conlude the day with their undoubtedly sheepish excuses!