OGAE Serbia votes Belarus

by Richard West-Soley 136 views

As delegations from the semifinalist countries prepare to touch down in Helsinki this week, OGAE Serbia has provided its own round-up for the Eurovision Song Contest 2007. Belarus' Koldun wins the vote with Work Your Magic with Bulgaria's Water close behind.

Belarus and Bulgaria walked away with the Serbian vote on 154 and 145 votes respectively, leaving nearest challenger Spain way behind on 115. The total combined vote from Belgrade was as follows:

  1. Belarus 154
  2. Bulgaria 145
  3. Spain 115
  4. Cyprus 109
  5. Greece 95
  6. Bosnia and Herzegovina 94
  7. FYR Macedonia 87
  8. Slovenia 84
  9. Georgia 70
  10. Russia 63
  11. France 59
  12. Hungary 52
  13. Romania 51
  14. Israel 45
  15. Finland 41
  16. Andorra 39
  17. Armenia 38
  18. Iceland 34
  19. Croatia 33
  20. Switzerland 31
  21. Malta 30
  22. Czech Republic 29
  23. Ukraine 29
  24. Turkey 29
  25. Denmark 28
  26. Germany 24
  27. Albania 18
  28. Austria 18
  29. Latvia 15
  30. Lithuania 13
  31. Moldavia 12
  32. Montenegro 12
  33. Sweden 11
  34. UK 8
  35. Estonia 6
  36. Ireland 6
  37. Norway 5
  38. Belgium 5
  39. Portugal 3
  40. Netherlands 0
  41. Poland 0

A hearty twelve points from Serbia gives Belarus a real hand in gaining some ground on Switzerland and Serbia itself, which had moved away well into the lead on the overall OGAE scoreboard. No points for Switzerland – and of course Serbia – give Koldun a fighting chance of catching up. Greece and Bulgaria move into poll position at joint sixth place, whilst Slovenia's Alenka Gotar achieves the magic one hundred, bringing her an encouraging fifth place. Most other places remain unchanged as the board settles down, with the exception of Bosnia Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia, which creep up slightly from their modest placings.

The full OGAE scores after Serbia's vote look like this:

1. Serbia 147
2. Switzerland 136
3. Belarus 122
4. Cyprus 111
5. Slovenia 100
6. Greece 93
6. Bulgaria 93
8. Ukraine 77
9. Georgia 55
10. Russia 45
11. Denmark 40
12. Bosnia & Herzegovina 37
13. Germany 36
14. France 35
15. Iceland 33
16. Sweden 23
17. Romania 21
18. Spain 29
19. FYR Macedonia 18
20. Turkey 15
21. Latvia 12
22. Armenia 11
23. Moldova 8
24. Finland 8
25. Israel 7
26. Lithuania 7
27. Netherlands 6
28. UK 5
29. Hungary 2
30. Poland 1
31. Malta 1

Richard West-Soley

Senior Editor

Richard's ESC history began way back in 1992, when he discovered the contest could fuel his passion for music and languages. Since then, it's been there at every corner for him in some way or another. He joined the esctoday.com team back in 2006, and quickly developed a love for writing about the contest. In his other life, he heads the development team at the learning resources company Linguascope, and writes about all aspects of language learning on the site Polyglossic.com.