OGAE Greece: Sarbel Farewell Party

by Stella Floras 353 views

On Thursday night OGAE Greece organised a Farewell party for Sarbel, this year's Greek representative in the Eurovision Song Contest. Fans, friends and family gathered to wish Sarbel good luck in Helsinki and the party went on till the small hours. Esctoday.com was there to bring you an exclusive photo gallery.

Sarbel arrived around 11 accompanied by his mother, friends and the Greek Assistant HoD, Ayis Menoutis. He was met by Stella Gkliana, the Head of the Greek Delegation and Monica Papadatou, Head of Press. He meant to stay only for a little while as he is on a very tight schedule due to rehearsals.But once the most popular Eurovision Song Contest hits sounded, he got the party going himself and did not stop dancing till very late. Sarbel proved to be a true fan of the contest as he sang along every single Eurovision evergreen played by the DJ of the evening, president of OGAE Greece Antonis Karatzikos.

The party was very well attended by Greek as well as a group of Finnish fans who shared the fun. Sarbel did notsit out a single song. Everyone present, naturally, reacted entusiastically when Yassou Maria was played, as well as at the sound of the Cypriot song Comme ci, comme ca by Evridiki.

Click here so see the entire Sarbel party gallery.

We would like to express oursincere thankstothe president and the members of OGAE Greece for their hospitality.

Stella Floras

Thanks to Johnny Logan and Hold me now I fell in love with the Eurovision Song Contest, a love that's been going strong ever since with undiminished passion. My first memories date back to 1977 and the lyrics of Rock bottom, Dschinghis Khan and A ba ni bi are still engraved in my brain.

I joined esctoday.com in 2006 as a junior editor after being invited by Barry Viniker, I soon became Senior Editor and during the 2007 contest in Helsinki I was appointed Head of Communications. Today I hold the post of Head of Human Resources and I am proud to be working with the best editorial team in the world.