As a part of a growing interest for the Eurovision Song Contest in the United Kingdom BBC, the British broadcaster is offering everyone, Brits or non-Brits the chance to submit questions for Scooch, which will be answered before they leave for Helsinki.
The band, which has recently got a record deal with Warner Bros, has been quite busy lately with the preparations for Helsinki. Their song for the Contest, Flying the flag (for you), has been recorded in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Danish and Bulgarian. This very is unusual when it comes to entries from the United Kingdom so this year Scooch is definitely doing every thing they can in order to bring the country back in the top of the Eurovision Song Contest. An effort which seems to be matched by a growing interest among the British press and the population in general.
Do you want to know how they felt when Terry Wogan in the first place didn’t announce them as the winners of the national final? Do you want to know about their plans for Helsinki? Do you want to know what's on offer for landing? Or do you have another question? BBC is inviting everyone to submit his or her question which can be done using the form you find here.
As a part of the so-called Big4 United Kingdom is automatically qualified for the final on 12th of May 2007.