Marija �erifović will be the first representative for Serbia as an independent country with the song Molitva (A prayer). Currently, she is travelling around in Serbia's neighbouring countries to promote her Eurovision Song Contest entry.
The singer has already been to Banja Luka(Bosnia & Herzegovina) where a press conference was held and ahe also visited various TV stations. Later, Marija and the team of RTS went to Sarajevo where she could face huge attention by the media. The Serbian representative also got a chance to meet with her Bosnian co-competitor and namesake Marija Šestić (Rijek bez imena – River without a name) as well as the 2004 Bosnian repesentative Deen (9th with In the disco).
Next stop was Zagreb (Croatia) where she appeared in the highly popular TV show Red carpet talking not only about the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest but also about her private life. Later, the tourwould moveon to F.Y.R. Macedonia. On Sunday, she will visit Zürich (Switzerland).
Meanwhile, Molitva was recorded in both English and Finnish, furthermore, a Russian version is about to be released.
As a debuting country, Serbia will have to enter the semi final in Helsinki on 10th May.