Exclusive: Bonaparti.lv CD Competition

by Benny Royston 84 views

Latvia's 2007 Eurovision Song Contest representatives, Bonaparti.lv, presented their brand new single containing the new version of Questa Notte mastered by Bo Reimer, the famous Swedish sound technician. esctoday.com has acquired 10 copies to give away in our exclusive Bonaparti.lv competition.

The special launch presentation was hosted by LTV and representatives of the record company MicRec and management agency L-Tips were present. The Scandinavian company, Narvesen, provided the location and treated the singers and guests to coffee and pastries. They will also support Bonaparti.lv in Finland as well.

Bonaparti.lv entertained the audience with songs and dances. The first tune to be played was the anthem of Eurovision followed by Italian Volare (a song that finished 3rd in the 1958 Eurovision Song Contest) and Mamma Maria, Spanish Guantana mera, and Latvian Kapec man dziedat svesu dziesmu (Why to sing a strange song). Needless to mention that the musicians had their tools with them – Normunds had an accordeon, Andris Ahad histrumpet, Kasparsplayed trombone, Zigfridstook theviolin, Andris E was responsible for the rhythm section, but Roberto was the ceremony master and main performer in Italian.

After the presentation Bonaparti.lv talked to media representatives and signed the singles.

COMPETITION – Win Your Questa Notte CD

To win your copy of the Questa Notte CD, simply answer the following three questions and send your answers, along with your esctoday.com membership number and postal address to [email protected]

  1. In what year did Latvia's only Eurovision Song Contest victory to date take place?
  2. What is Latvia's best result since their victory?
  3. What is the English translation of 'Questa Notte'?