For those who haven�t made up their mind about the 42 participating songs in this year�s Eurovision Song Contest YLE�s Song � O � Mat might be a good guideline. For others it might just be a bit of fun to see if a computer based test of 10 simple questions can guess your taste. Your reporter tested the system and concludes that it did indeed get quite close.
By answering 10 questions about your preferences the machine will try to rank the 42 entries this year in order of what it thinks will be your taste. The questions you are being asked is about male/female preference, language, style of music and in a real contest way it even asks if you prefer a neighbour country!
The computer system doesn’t entirely base its conclusion on one or two important questions as your reporter tested it, picked rock as her favourite style of music and the language to be English. The computer however still managed to work out that Germany should be placed in top 5 on her list, a song which matches none of the above criteria! invites all of our readers to do the test and leave a note in the reactions about how successful the system was to guess your taste.