Finland: Kuunkuiskaajat crowd-funding new album

by Peter Russell 235 views

Kuunkuiskaajat, the Finnish representatives at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2010, are appealing to their fans to help fund their new album.

Kuunkuiskaajat, the duo consisting of Susan Aho and Johanna Virtanen, are looking fans to support the funding required to record their new album to be released in August. The album consists of new songs, written and performed by Susan and Johanna, and will feature musicians Topi Korhonen (guitars, trumpet), Anssi Salminen (guitars, mandolin, fiddle), Kevin Knouna (percussion and drums), Juho Kivivuori (bass), and a number of guest performers, and will be produced by Miikka Huttunen.

In an exclusive interview with, when asked why they made the decision to request funding from fans for the new album, Susan and Johanna stated:

We got tired of the conditions and schedules which were stretched all the time when producing through a recording contract. We did not want to change the music to fit a specific mould just because the record company wanted us to. We wanted to record our kind of music, which we believe the audience is interested in too. We had many long and good discussions with different record companies, but in the end we decided to make the album on our own. Now that we do not have financial support of any record company , we will take on the financial risk ourselves. This is certainly a bold move from us!

The funding from fans will directly go into the recording, production, mixing, and promotion of the album. From 15€, fans will receive a lossless copy of the album through iTunes. From 1500€, they will perform a private concert for the backer for a full hour.

Here’s a special message from Kuunkuiskaajat for readers of

Details on all of the sponsorship packages and funding details are available on their funding site, through their Facebook page, and on their official website.

Kuunkuiskaajat represented Finland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 in Olso, Norway. Their entry Työlki Ellää narrowly missed the final, coming 11th in the semi-final. You can view the video clip for the entry below.

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