Christian party petitions parliament over Vampires

by Steve Holyer 134 views

First an evangelical group asked Swiss Television and DJ BoBo to withdraw or re-write the song Vampires are alive because the lyrics may encourage suicidal tendencies or occult practices. Now one Christian political party has launched a petition asking that the song be withdrawn. They plan to ask the executive committee of the Swiss government to protect the public.

The Eidgenössisch-Demokratische Union (EDU), a political party in Switzerland launched a petition against DJ BoBo's submission to the Eurovision Song Contest today. According to newspaper reports the EDU plans to ask the Bundesrat or Swiss executive committee to involve themselves in withdrawing "Vampires are alive" from the competition. The EDU is a small but active party founded on Christian principles; they hold two seats in the national Swiss parliament and also some seats in various local governments. Ironically, this past fall DJ BoBo said he would apply to represent Switzerland only if it was "the will of the people". At that time a newspaper organized a petition showing overwhelming support in asking DJ BoBo to sing, although the vampire-themed song hadn't been written yet.

As reported on Wednesday, some Christians in Switzerland are concerned that the lyrics which include references to Helland selling your soulrepresentSwitzerland poorly."Whena song deals with satanismand the occultit ceases to be a laughing matter," according to the EDU. Earlier this weekthe Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA)complained to Swiss Television that the lyric "you're here to surrender with your life" could encourage unstable people to consider suicide.

DJ BoBo has been unable to comment as he was traveling this week in Ethiopia. He is an ambassador for the World Food Programme (WFP, a United Nations aid agency), and he was unaware of the developing controversy. At this time he should in the middle of rehearsals with Swiss Television for the premiere of his song tomorrow night. The Swiss Broadcaster has not asked the showman to change his song, "Young people will not misunderstand this song text," their spokesman assured.

Although DJ BoBo as already performed the song "Vampires are alive" in the Greek national final, the official world premiere will take place live tomorrow night on the Swiss lottery show Benissimo.

Saturday, 10th March 2007, 20:05onSF 1.
Sunday, 11th March 2007, 00:35 (repeat)
Wednesday, 14th March 2007, 13:45 (repeat)

No webcast is announced, but Swiss Television often releases videos of its shows after they are broadcast.