G’day Europe, this is Australia calling!

by Gabriel Vivas 226 views

Danish Broadcaster has announced that the second semi-final interval act will be focused on the land of down under, Australia.

After 40 years broadcasting the Eurovision Song Contest, Australia has finally made it and will take the stage in Copenhagen as the second semi-final interval act will be produced by the Aussies, aiming to show what Europe and the contest means to them.

They have asked several times if they can take part, because they love the Eurovision Song Contest so much. So this year we have given them permission to take to the stage and show us what they can do, says Mikke Bech, editorial boss for this year’s contest. According to Bech the act will feature a lot of humour and a great visual work.

When the team of the DR travelled to Australia to meet with SBS, the TV Station in charge of the interval act, they have the opportunity to ask the reason of their love for Europe’s Favourite TV Show. Australians love the grandeur of the Eurovision Song Contest and what they themselves describe as the somewhat kitschy element to it, but people down there take it very seriously. Also, many of them have European blood flowing through their veins, so for them it is also a connection to their roots in Europe, explains Bech.

Australia started to broadcast the contest in 1974 when ABBA won and has been doing it since then. Last year the SVT also featured the love of Australian for the Eurovision Song Contest in a small clip from down under.

Stay tuned to esctoday.com for the latest news on the Eurovision Song Contest.