LIVE: Germany decides for Helsinki

by Marcus Klier 296 views

The German national final for the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest is live and underway. The format is the same as last year with three music acts competing in a gala with many former entrants as special guests. Last year, the winner of the national final was a huge success: Although Texas Lightning only finished 14th/15th in Athens, No no never was overall the fifth German entry that reached the top of the charts and also the second most sold single in 2007.


A webcast of the show will be provided here. To make sure that you get access, you should try to lock in as soon as possible.

You can read more about the rehearsals here.

The show

Like last year, the three music acts will not only perform their own entries but also a Eurovision Song Contest classic. In 2006, this idea proved to be succesful: The country version of Waterloo was recorded by Texas Lightning and published as a bonus track on the No no never single. Many former entrants to the contest will appear as special guests:

Bucks Fizz (United Kingdom 1981, 1st with Making your mind up), Johnny Logan (1st for Ireland in 1980 with What's another year and in 1987 with Hold me now; winner as composer in 1992 with Why me? and runner-up in 1984 with Terminal 3.), Gitte (Germany 1973, 8th with Junger Tag), Siw Malmkvist (10th for Sweden in 1960 with Alla andra får varann and 9th for Germany in 1969 with Primaballerina), Wencke Myhre (6th for Germany in 1968 with Ein Hoch der Liebe) as well as Alice & Ellen Kessler (8th for Germany in 1959 with Heute Abend woll'n wir tanzen geh'n).

The winner will be decided by televoting. It is not supposed to be announced who finished second and third. Nevertheless, the 2006 results were published some time after the show in a big newspaper.

The show will be hosted by Thomas Hermanns. The music during the show will not be a playback as in Helsinki: Again the St. Pauli Kurorchester will provide the musical background.

The running order


1. Heinz Rudolf KunzeMerci chérie

As a classic, he decided to perform the only Austrian winning song in the contest: Udo Jürgens' Merci chérie back in 1966. Udo Jürgens is still one of the most succesful singers in the German speaking countries.

2. MonroseWunder gibt es immer wieder

It might come as a surprise that the three singers chose a song in German: They will perform the 1970 entry Wunder gibt es immer wieder. The song is still an evergreen and reached the first third place for Germany in the contest, performed by Katja Ebstein. The same singer would achieve the first second place for the country ten years later.

3. Roger CiceroZwei kleine Italiener

Since his song title says that women rule the world, Roger Cicero decided to sing a song that was originally performed by one: Conny Froboess sang Zwei kleine Italiener for Germany in Luxembourg in 1962. The song was a massive hit in Europe and probably the commercially most succesful German entry ever.


1. Heinz Rudolf KunzeDie Welt ist Pop (The world is pop)

…"Oh, oh, oh, away with the old deadwood
Come on, be honest
There are still miracles
There are still miracles

I was swearing, I was crying
Now the day is my best friend
Now I know that I am right
Pop music is the resort"…


Music & lyrics: Heinz Rudolf Kunze

2. Monrose Even heaven cries

…"Sometimes it might seem hard
And your whole world falls apart
Just know that when you hear the the rain (that)

Even heaven cries, everybody cries
It's ok to doubt yourself sometimes
You don't have to be afraid of what you fear inside
It's alright, it's alright"…

3. Roger Cicero – Frauen regier'n die Welt (Women rule the world)

…"The way they walk and stand
The way they look at you
And yet your bag and your heart get open
And then you buy a ring and a mink

A lascivious look
And yet your policy is changing
No boss and noaction hero
No state and no mafia money
Women rule the world"…


Music: Matthias Hass – Lyrics: Frank Ramond


The show has started. Thomas Hermanns came on stage – he spoke that today it's a very special day: World Women's Day! But it's also the night of Grand Prix, of course.

Tonight's special guests are introduced: Andrea Kiewel, Georg Uecker, Susanne Fröhlich and Paola (Switzerland 1969 & 1980). Paola says that she will keep her fingers crossed in Helsinki – of course – for DJ BoBo but also for the German representative.

A video with highlights of the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest and national final is shown.

Three former Eurovision Song Contest performers are now on stage: Siw Malmkvist (Sweden 1960 / Germany 1969), Wencke Myhre (Germany 1968) and Gitte (Germany 1973). They perform their own entries. Together, they perform some Scandinavian classics: La det swinge (Norway 1985), Dansevise (Denmark 1963), and Digiloo Digiley(Sweden 1984).

Now the first Eurovision classic is performed by one fo the contestants: Heniz Rudolf Kunze sings Merci chérie. The arrangement is similar as in 1966: The singer is wearing black suit and his sun glasses. He concetrates on the vocals and gives an emotional performance. Kunze states that he chose the song because he knows Udo Jürgens very well. Highway to Helsinki! is his motto…

Videos of famous German national final entries are shown: Er gehört zu mir (1975), Verzeih'n Sie Madame (1980), Flieg nicht so hoch mein kleiner Freund (pre 1981), Gute Nacht Freunde (1972), Take it easy altes Haus (1979), Wir wollen niemals auseinander gehen (1960), Ein Lied zieht hinaus in die Welt (1975). Which shows that long song titles are obviously popular in Germany.

The second classic: Monrose perform a pop version of Wunder gibt es immer wieder with a slight R 'n' B touch. There is some simple choreography, and the new version is well received.

Paola talks about her Eurovision Song Contest experience. She recalls she was very proud of her dress in 1969, but one reporter wrote she looked like she was wearing a lampshade. The host presents her with a lamp – and the lamp looks just like her dress.

Roger Cicero looks like a Mafia boss while he is performing his swing version of Zwei kleine Italiener: he is wearing a grey suit with a proper hat and his typical sunglasses.

More special guests: The 1959 German representatives Alice & Ellen Kessler talk about their performance- it was a bad one actually …. They finished 8th – but there were only 11 participants back then.

Now it's time for the songs.

1. Heinz Rudolf KunzeDie Welt ist Pop
The video screen in the background is done in a pop-art style. The singer is wearing another black suit; the overall effect is pretty simple, but it fits together well with the rock style. The audience's reaction is mixed – some obvious booing could be heard.

2. MonroseEven heaven cries
The stage performance appears to be a live version of the video clip: there is a swing, flowers and 'heaven' in the background. The three girls all wear different style dresses in the same colour. Furthermore, there are rotary disks and a moving pavement. The audience is very enthusiastic: as newcomers, Monrose already have a strong fan base.

3. Roger CiceroFrauen regier's die Welt
Roger Cicero gives a very strong vocal performance. He wears a grey suit, a tie and – of course – a hat. In the background, silhouettes of various women reflect the song title. Overall it's a classic swing entry that goes over well with the audience.

The lines are now open:
Telephone: 0137 / 20 201 XX SMS: 99 5 99

Former Eurovision Song Contest winners now perform their own entries:
Bucks Fizz with Making your mind up (United Kingdom 1981), Katrina Leskanich with Love shine a light (United Kingdom 1997), Johnny Logan with What's another year and Hold me now (Ireland 1980 & 1987). Johnny Logan performs What's another year partly in German. And Spanish.

Texas Lightning are on stage again! This is a special in a German final – for many years the previous winner hasn't been on stage the following year. Of course, they perform No no never again – with a new arrangement. The crowd still loves them.

The lines are closed.

The three music acts are coming on stage again. The results are about to annouced…. Alice and Ellen Kessler announce them. AND THE WINNER IS ….

….Roger Cicero with Frauen regier'n die Welt!