Andorra: UPD Song presented

by Stella Floras 147 views

RTVA has revealed this year's Andorran entry to the Eurovision Song Contest in Helsinki. Salvem el món. The uptempo teenage punk rock song will be performed in Catalan and English that should do well with younger audiences.

Anonymous were one of the 80 acts that applied to RTVA for the honor of representing Andorra in the 2007 Eurovision Song Contest. They were selected unanimously by the 10 member jury and we will be seeing them on May 10 in Helsinki with their song Salvem el món (Save the world). The song was specifically written with the Eurovision Song Contest in mind. It is a plea to the young Europeans to take an active role in protecting the environment. And the message will be delivered in the language all young music lovers understand, the language of music. They want to jump, they want to shout, they want to rejoice, they want to revolutionise the contest by force of guitar. They promise a song that "will make even the walls dance"!

Ja no entenc per què,
tot el món va al revés
i no volem trobar solucions als problemes que hi ha
no vulguis ser el que no ets.
Sempre estàs pensant si vius bé i per la resta no hi ha temps
el món en joc i no fas res.
Tots estem d'acord ho podem fer, podem unir-nos, fer-ho bé
reflexiona tu mateix…
Left, right, up and down turned upside down that's how we treat our world right now.
We can't hide the fact that it's happening.
We can do our world some good; we can make a change that's what we should,
Time will tell us but we must act now.
El problema sembla que
l'interès no és el mateix,
arreglar d'un cop el món
és possible si ho fem tots!
Tots estem d'acord ho podem fer, podem unir-nos, fer-ho bé
reflexiona tu mateix…
Left, right, up and down turned upside down that's how we treat our world right now.
Left, right, up and down turned upside down that's how we treat our world right now.
We can't hide the fact that it's happening.
We can do our world some good; we can make a change that's what we should,
Time will tell us but we must act now.
Left, right, up and down turned upside down that's how we treat our world right now.
We can't hide the fact that it's happening.
We can do our world some good; we can make a change that's what we should,
Time will tell us but we must act now.
Si vols pots fer-ho, podem canviar-ho, transforma la realitat
We still can act but we don't react couse we only care about what we have !!!

Find out all about Anonymous in the exclusive interview they gave by clicking here.


View the view here:

Stella Floras

Thanks to Johnny Logan and Hold me now I fell in love with the Eurovision Song Contest, a love that's been going strong ever since with undiminished passion. My first memories date back to 1977 and the lyrics of Rock bottom, Dschinghis Khan and A ba ni bi are still engraved in my brain.

I joined in 2006 as a junior editor after being invited by Barry Viniker, I soon became Senior Editor and during the 2007 contest in Helsinki I was appointed Head of Communications. Today I hold the post of Head of Human Resources and I am proud to be working with the best editorial team in the world.