Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2008

by Charlotte Jensen 130 views

The Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2007 has yet to find a winner who will represent Denmark at the Eurovision Song Contest in Helsinki, but the planning for the 2008 selection has already started.

Aalborg, where last year's final and this year’s second qualification heat were hosted,is ready for another turn. The city that wants to brand itself as Melodi Grand Prix city number one has already reserved a proper hall, Gigantium, which can have an audience of 8000 people, for one week in both 2008 and 2009! It is unlikely that the city will be able to host it both years, but now they have expressed an interest, they have prepared for it and now it is up to DR to decide.

DR is interested in returning to Aalborg for next year. Jan Frifelt, producer of the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix told local newspaper Nordjyske: "We were super happy to be in Aalborg for the second qualification heat. It was the same last year for the final. We can’t complain at all, in fact we can’t get our arms down". Jan,, however also points out that DR hasn’t even had time to think about the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2008 yet as the 2007 selection isn’t over yet. After the Danish final on Saturday they will start to evaluate the procedure this year with the two qualification heats. When it is decided if they will continue that for the 2008 selection they will start to look into host possibilities. DR expects that before the summer we’ll know the plans for the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2008 and also the host/hosts.

Hosting a Dansk Melodi Grand Prix show isn’t cheap, whether it is a qualification heat or the actual final . The host city should be prepared for it to cost at least two million dkr, that is about 270,000 euros, and the ,chief of Aalborg Kongres & Kultur Center, Ernst Trillingsgaard also adds that no matter how much they might want to host it then they do need to ask the sponsors first. Two million dkr is a lot of money and as Ernst explains the sponsors have the last word: If they tell us to skip a year, we’ll skip a year.

This year the two qualification heats as well as the final are hosted in Jutland, but that doesn't mean that DR favour this part of the country. As Esctoday.com is informed , Copenhagen had been offered one of the two qualification heats, but turned it down.