The MaltaSong Board has announced the televoting and the SMS numbers that will be used in the Go Mobile Malta Song for Europe 2007 semi final on Thursday 1st February. Six acts will make it to the Grand Final, which will be held two days later, on Saturday 3rd February.
The numbers will be activated as soon as hosts J Anvill and Stephanie Spiteri give the green light and lines will remain open for thirty minutes. Only one call will be accepted per number. In the semi final, the winners will be decided by televoting and jury vote, whereas in the final it will be 100% televoting.
The show will bebroadcast live on TVM and there will be live streaming on (link)
The numbers are as follows:
Whenever – Kevin Borg
SMS: 5061 5121 TELEVOTING: 5004 3001
Night-wish – AnnaBelle
SMS: 5061 5122 TELEVOTING: 5004 3002
Places to go – Tarcisio Barbara
SMS: 5061 5123 TELEVOTING: 5004 3003
L-Imhabba Ghamja – Claudia Faniello
SMS: 5061 5124 TELEVOTING: 5004 3004
Rollercoaster ride – Rosman Pace
SMS: 5061 5125 TELEVOTING: 5004 3005
Ice Queen – Julia Grima
SMS: 5061 5126 TELEVOTING: 5004 3006
Forever mine – William Mangion
SMS: 5061 5127 TELEVOTING: 5004 3007
Vertigo – Olivia Lewis
SMS: 5061 5128 TELEVOTING: 5004 3008
She gives me wings – Klinsmann Coleiro
SMS: 5061 5129 TELEVOTING: 5004 3009
Look at me – Julie Pomorski
SMS: 5061 5130 TELEVOTING: 5004 3010
Little islands in your heart-Daniela Delicata
SMS: 5061 5131 TELEVOTING: 5004 3011
All about a life – Pamela
SMS: 5061 5132 TELEVOTING: 5004 3012
As long as you know – SCAR
SMS: 5061 5133 TELEVOTING: 5004 3013
My love – Isabelle
SMS: 5061 5134 TELEVOTING: 5004 3014
Unite – Mauro
SMS: 5061 5135 TELEVOTING: 5004 3015
Starlight – Trilogy
SMS: 5061 5136 TELEVOTING: 5004 3016