EuroBlog Round-up (18th December)

by Steve Holyer 93 views

Five of the forty-three — oops make that forty-two — acts for the 2007 edition of the Eurovision Song Contest are already announced. Of course the blogosphere reacts. Also Swiss television may have given Ralph Siegel the heave-ho this year in favor of national treasure DJ Bobo, but his Dsching, Dsching, Dschinghis Khan is making a comeback in Korean ringtones. Also our good friend Dan is back for another lip-synch special, and awards season is in the air as everyone gets ready for the gala extravaganza known as the 2006 awards.

Chris at World of Eurovision likes the news out of Moldova, though he calls their selection “the most bizarre � ever“. Natalia Barbu will sing Fighter for the country's third Song Contest outing.

Chris, what is Fighter like?

Well, not bad actually!“, Chris answers, “ � It's all a bit up and ready, a bit Ruslana, a bit 'Wild dances' with a fiddle thrown in, and I don't think it's a bad effort.

Chris isn't as taken with Switzerland's internal selection. He writes, “Remember 'Chihuahua'? That really annoying song by that really annoying guy DJ Bobo a couple of years ago? Yeah, well he's representing Switzerland.” He continues to complain, “Seriously. Las Ketchup for Spain last year, now this. I'm assured that he's massive in Europe. We'll wait and see. His song's chosen in February by the way, I'm sure it'll be cheesenificent.” (here)

Except Chris, his song is already chosen. As reported by, it will be premiered in February during a very special event. And, furthermore Euroblogger has been a DJ Bobo fan ever since he did that duet/remake with Irene Cara � so cool it please with the cheese remarks.