RTCG, the Montenegrin national broadcaster has confirmed and informed esctoday.com that Montenegro will compete at the forthcoming 2014 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen, Denmark. The broadcaster has yet again opted for an internal selection to in order select their Eurovision entry and representative, as has been custom since their debut in the contest.RTCG will be making an announcement regarding their representative in due course.
Last July esctoday.com reported that Montenegro would most likely compete 2014 in the Eurovision Song Contest, now we can confirm that the Balkan country will indeed compete in Copenhagen next May.
Media and press in Montenegro and the Balkan neighbouring countries have been reporting that Sergey Cetkovic is in negotations with RTCG and will most likely have the honour of representing Montenegro at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest. Sergey is a big name both at home and in the Balkans, enjoying fame, name and recognition. Sergey is among the most sought after singers in the region.
Sergey Cetkovic
Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Albania, Iceland, Ireland, San Marino, Georgia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Estonia, Malta, Russia, Germany, Austria, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Belgium and Latvia have all confirmed their participation at the forthcoming Eurovision Song Contest next year in Denmark. Whilst Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia have said they will most likely be in the competition.
Montenegro debuted at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007 and is yet to win the event. The country has never qualified for the Eurovision final. Will 2014 be the lucky year for Montenegro?
In 2013 Montenegro was represented by Who See with the song Igranka at the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest in Malmo. Stay tuned to esctoday.com for the latest news on Montenegro and the 2014 Eurovision