First reactions after dress rehearsal

by Sietse Bakker 105 views

Although keen on her privacy, Icelandic 'megastar' Silvia Night gave a comment after her first dress rehearsal, just like Armenian Head of Delegation Diana Mnatsakanyan and Dutch Head of Delegation Lucas Burgering.

To our colleagues of Frettabladid, Silvia Night said; "I am great. Even if I shit on the stage I can win", she said. "This is my path", she said to the journalist when she approached her, "I don't want to see you now". When the journalist kept asking, Silvia said: "My rehearsal was beautiful, the best thing that ever happened. Everything I do is beautiful".

Armenian delegation head Diana Mnatsakanyan said to that her delegation was not satisfied about the first dress rehearsal; "The stage was slippery, the camera positions were different from what they were supposed to be and if that's not enough, Andre caught a cold at the welcome reception", she said. "I can't give him enough tea, to be honest".

Dutch delegation head Lucas Burgering admitted that the Treble girls had some sound problems, but he is "confident that those problems are solved before tonight's dress rehearsal".