Your votes please: the spokespersons

by Sietse Bakker 157 views

16 countries participate, 17 will give points tonight. Although Cyprus withdrew last month, the Mediterranean island will give points tonight and will even kick off! The 16 participating countries will cast their votes in the same order as the running order of the 16 songs.

As we already wrote before, the voting procedure of this year's Junior Eurovision Song Contest is slightly different from usual. The hosts of the show will first announce the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 points given by a country, before getting in touch with the spokesperson. At the very beginning of the voting, some 'magic' will give each country 12 points to start with! No 0 points tonight!

1. Cyprus: Anna Maria Koukides (14)
2. Greece: Markos Skourtelis (-Bouketsidis) (12)
3. Denmark: Caroline Forsberg Thybo (12)
4. Croatia: Nika Turkovic (10)
5. Romania: Beatrice Soare (15)
6. United Kingdom: Vicky Gordon (14)
7. Sweden: Halahen Zajden (13)
8. Russia: Roman Kerimov (12)
9. FYR Macedonia: Vase Dokovski (13)
10. The Netherlands: Giovanni Kemper (14) – Junior NSF 05!
11. Serbia & Montenegro: Jovana Vukcevic (16)
12. Latvia: Kristiãna Stiràne (11)
13. Belgium: Max Colombie (14)
14. Malta: Stephanie Bason (15)
15. Norway: Karoline Wendelborg (15)
16. Spain: Gonzalo Gutiérrez Blanco (16)
17. Belarus: Anton Lediaev (14)

During yesterday's procedure, when the televoting procedure and the satellite connections with the participating countries were tested as well, there apperantly was a problem with the Maltese connection. Part of the script? Greek spokesperson Markos was a little nervous.

All spokespersons are below 17 years old.