The interview tour around Europe has taken us to Ireland. Answering our questions today is Ryan Dolan. He will sing Only love survives for Ireland as song number 13 in the first semi-final.
Hello Ryan. Here are some questions for our followers in
Q1. You are 27 years old and come from a country with a huge Eurovision following. Have you grown up watching the Contest?
Yes my family and myself have always watched the Eurovision together almost every year and I have some great memories of it.
Q2. In our interview with you at the Irish National final you came across as quite a shy person. When you get on a stage to perform does that give you an inner strength?
Yeah I have always been kind of a shy person, I only really started singing in front of people about four years ago and that was the reason why. But now when I’m on stage I think I get the strength from the people watching me.
Q3. Was your song Only love survives written specifically for Eurovision?
Yes, well myself and my friend Wez had a song called ‘Only love’ which was a more hardcore dance song and we thought it would be the perfect starting point for a song for the Eurovision, because it had a nice vibe and a cool message, so we played around with it, added a few verses and out came Only love survives.
Q4. How have things changed in your life since winning the EuroSong?
A lot has changed in my life since winning Eurosong. My life has been so busy, I’m always on the road doing different things everyday, I’m getting really well known in Ireland people are always looking for photographs and autographs. I’ve had to leave my job because I just wouldn’t be able to do both, but I really really love it and it has been the greatest experience of my life so far!! I love meeting new people and I have got new fans from all over the world and I think the whole experience has really helped me with my confidence.
Q5. You obviously look after yourself physically. Is that an important part of your daily life?
Yes. I really love going to the gym and getting a good workout done and it has always been a big part of my adult life, but it is getting harder and harder to find the time to do it as much as I’d like!!
Q6. What goes through your mind when people talk to you about going to Malmö?
Pure excitement at the moment but I’m sure it will turn to excitement and nerves closer to the time.
Q7. Ireland has had a lot of success across the years, but not as much recently. Does this put any pressure on you?
Well I get asked this a lot but I really don’t feel any pressure, I will definitely go to Malmö and do my absolute best for my country but that’s all I can do.
Q8. Will the staging of the song in Sweden be much different to that in Dublin?
It will be like Dublin, only on steroids!!
Q9. What advice have you been given to prepare you for the Contest and by whom?
My family have told me to just be myself and do my best and that’s just what I’m gonna do!
Q10. If you win in Sweden who will be the first person you will call?
I won’t have to call anyone because everyone I love will be there! wants to thank Ryan for taking the time to talk to us and to wish him the best of luck in Malmö!