Watch now: First semi-final in Latvia

by Edward Montebello 150 views

Tonight the first twelve acts in the Latvian selection will compete in the first semi-final. The Latvian selection known as Dziesma 2013 will kick off tonight at Palladium Concert Hall in Riga.

The programme

Six songs from this semi-final will qualify to the final of 16 February. The qualifiers will be determined by a 50%-50% public and jury vote. The jury will be composed of nine musical experts. The show will be hosted by Valmiera, Martin Meyer, Madara Botmane and Anta Aizupe.

How to watch

  • LTV 1 20:15 CET (21:15 local time)
  • Webcast (available when the show starts)

The participants

  1. Pieneņu Vīns – Better than you
  2. Ivo Grīsniņš Grīslis – Give me a try
  3. Dominic Okolue – Good woman
  4. Liene Candy – Higher and higher
  5. Samanta Tīna – I need a hero
  6. Headline – Love
  7. Liene Matveja un Baiba Reine – Love responder
  8. Olafs Bergmanis & The random people – Never let me go
  9. Per – Sad trumpet
  10. Fox Lima – Tirpini
  11. Sabīne Berezina – Upside down
  12. Antra Stafecka  – When you are with me

You can listen to the songs by clicking here