Shiri Maymon to sing for Israel in Kiev

by Itamar Barak 447 views

Shiri Maymon has won the 2005 Kdam – Eurovision and will represent Israel at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in Kiev with the song Hasheket shenish'ar, or in English The silence that was left.

These are the results of the Israeli final:

01. 116 points | Shiri Maymon � Hasheket shenish'ar
02. 70 points | Yossi Azulai – Don�t worry baby
03. 66 points | Svika Pick � Or hayare'ach
04. 62 points | Rinat Gabay � Yerushalaim shel ahava
05. 48 points | Zehava Ben � Shalom ve'ahava
06. 45 points | The Alayev Family � Esperansa
07. 40 points | Rinat Bar � Kmo chalom
08. 39 points | Michal Amdursky � Achshav ze amiti
09. 26 points | Samir Shukey and Efrat Cohen – Be'ahava gdola
10. 23 points | Momi Levi � Yesh li et halayla
11. 15 points | Gaya � Ode-la-ya
11. 15 points | Sharona & Daniela Pick � Hello hello
13. 10 points | Merav Siman-Tov – Hamon
14. 5 points | Mira Awad � Zman

Israel decided by 50% televoting, spread over the 5 Israeli telephone zones, and 50% professional jury (5 juries spread over 5 major cities in Israel). From eight out of the ten juries, Shiri Maymon received the maximum points. The two other juries ranked her second.

The song Hsheket shenish'ar was originally written in English and Shiri Maymon intends to sing it (partly) in English in Kiev where she will represent Israel in the semifinal of the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest.