Lyrics of song Barbara Lok to be changed

by Sietse Bakker 66 views

The lyrics of Tranen in de stilte have to be changed for the song's performance in the Dutch final. In a radio programme it was revealed that the lyrics of the song, performed by Barbara Lok, are partly similar to the song Regendruppelstilte of the group Lichterlaaie.

In yesterday's third semifinal of the Nationaal Songfestival 2005, Barbara Lok won one of the three tickets for the final on 13th February.

Lok's song isn't plagiarism, but to avoid any possible problems in the future, some changes in the chorus are necessary. As the music of the two songs is totally different, disqualification is no issue at this moment.

Rolf de Wit, head of communications at NOS, commented on the story saying that “the organisation of the national selection asked the songwriters to make some changes to the lyrics”. So far, Tranen in de stilte (Tears in silence) is the only song in Dutch selected for the final. Interesting detail is that the lead singer of the group Lichterlaaie, Rowin Schumm, wrote the lyrics of Tranen in de stilte.

You can listen to Tranen in de stilte here.