Belgium: 874 songs submitted to Eurokids 2005

by roel 138 views

Flemish broadcaster VRT and RTBF, broadcaster of the French speaking community in Belgium, together received 874 songs for the first ever 'Belgian' Junior Eurovision Song Contest selections. On 26th November 2005, Belgium will organise the third edition of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in the Ethias Arena of Hasselt.

874 kids, aged 8 up to 15 have subscribed for Eurokids 2005, the national selections organised by VRT and RTBF. 515 groups and 359 solo singers submitted their song before the 1st February deadline. Both VRT and RTBF are very satisfied about the quality of the songs and describe the level as very high.

After a first selection, 30 Dutch speaking kids and 30 French speaking kids will be invited for auditions. These will take place in Brussels on 18th, 19th and 20th February. A professional jury will select the 6 best Dutch speaking and the 6 best French speaking kids to participate in the finals of Eurokids 2005.

As it happened in the Flemish selections Eurosong for Kids 2003 and in last year's Eurokids 2004, organised by RTBF, the selected participants will be guided and coached by professional music producers, choreographers, vocal coaches and stylists. VRT and RTBF want to make sure that all 12 participants will be well prepared and able to present their song in a professional way at the shows to be broadcast live in September.

Eurokids 2005 will consist of two semifinals and a final. Each semifinal will feature three Dutch speaking and three French speaking participants in bilingual shows. The mother tongue of the participants however doesn't restrict the choice of language for the song. All participants are allowed to sing in one of Belgium's three official languages: Dutch, French or German.

The winner of Eurokids 2005 will represent Belgium on 26th November at the 2005 Junior Eurovision Song Contest in the Belgian city of Hasselt.