The Netherlands: 50th anniversary programme tonight

by Sietse Bakker 135 views

As warming-up programme, the Dutch broadcast TROS looked back at 50 years Eurovision Song Contest tonight.

Television host Bo van der Meulen talks to Willem van Beusekom (commentator and head of the selection committee), Willem van Kooten (producer of the last winning Dutch Eurovisionsong Ding-a-dong), Noortje Kandt (Dutch delegation leader for years in a row and assistant director of the Eurovision Song Contest 1976 and 1980), Cornald Maas (jury head and commentator), Piet Souer (who participated in the Eurovision Song Contest as guitar-player (1969, 1974), conductor (1983) and songwriter (1983, 1996)), Theo Ordeman (director of many Dutch National finals and the Eurovision Song Contest in 1976 and 1980) and Roland de Groot (stage designer, amongst others of the Eurovision stage in 1970, 1976, 1980 and 1984). The location: a café…

The guests particulary talked about the first decades of the contest and the changes made to the contest's concept in the past decade. Fans and television critics critically commented on the chosen format. “Why not a special show, with artists singing their Eurovision Song Contest songs?”, a fan writes. Others are slightly positive: “Taking into account the Dutch broadcaster has only 2/3rd or the budget for the national selection, it's good they at least made a special programme to celebrate the 50th anniversary”.

The first (of four) national semifinals takes place next week, 20th January. will cover them from behind the scenes with photo reports and interviews.