Macedonian finalists unplugged on Sunday

by roel 90 views

Next Sunday, 19th December, Macedonian broadcaster MKRTV will air an unplugged mini concert featuring the two finalists of the Macedonian national Eurovision Song Contest selections: Aleksandra Pileva and Martin Vucic.

On Sunday 19th December Aleksandra Pileva and Martin Vucic will both give an unplugged mini concert, as part of the television talk show Ne zaspivaj sega. The two finalists who are in the running for representing FYR Macedonia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest will both perform six songs: three previously released songs of their own discography and three covers.

The mini concert to be broadcast on MKRTV's first channel as of 21.00 CET will last for about 90 minutes and can be watched all around the world via HotBird satellite at the following parameters: 12188 Vertical polarization, SR: 27500, FEC: 3/4

The concert is meant to introduce the two finalists to the audience in order to make it easier for them to make a decision on who to vote for in the final in February. The Macedonian song for the 2005 Eurovision Song Contest will be selected during a final on 19th February 2005 in which Aleksandra Pileva and Martin Vucic will both perform four songs.