Albanian semifinals finished

by Oliver Rau 631 views

This Thursday and Friday, the first and second heat of the Albanian preselection Festivali i Këngës took place at the Palace of Congress in Tirana. Adi Krasta and Ledina Celo, the show's hosts, announced that last year's Eurovision Song Contest winner Sertab Erener will be the special guest in the final, which is going to be held this Saturday. 29 songs, all sung in Albanian language, were presented.

The songs of the first heat were:

1. Orges Toçe: Eja (Come)
2. Fazile Syla: Jeto jetën tënde (Live your Life)
3. Arjan Hasanlliu: Nata (Night)
4. Elvana Gjata: Pranë teje (At your Side)
5. Rudi & Ingrid Jushi: Me ty (With you)
6. Voltan Prodani: Kthehu dhe kujto (Come back and remember)
7. Aurel Thellimi: Dashuri a loje (Love or Game)
8. Arbër Arapi: Bota ime (My World)
9. Kozma Dushi: E nesërmja tjetër kujt i takon (Who are you gonna meet tomorrow)
10. Ermiona Lekbello: Ç'punë ke ti me dashurinë (What have you got to do with Love)
11. Klajdi Musabelli: Një shpresë për jetën time (A Hope for my Life)
12. Evis Mula: E dashuruar (Lover)
13. Saimir Çili: Sa herë që vjen pranvera (How many Springs are coming)
14. Rovena Dilo: Njemije zemra (1000 Hearts)

You can listen to those songs here, you need to register (follow the link “regijstrohu falas” in the right sidebar and register with an e-mail adress, a nickname Emri i identifikimit and a password Fjalëkalimi ).

The songs of the second heat were:

1. Andi Kongo: Sikur te rroja sa kjo botë (Living in this World)
2. Erida Rexhepi: Kthehu (Come back)
3. Kujtim Prodani: Ju të dashurat e mia (You are all to my Love)
4. Edmond Mancaku: Trill vjeshte (Wild Autumn)
5. Anila Jonuzi: E kam një sekret (I got a Secret)
6. Gjergj Jorgaqi: Dua dhe s'dua (I love and don't love)
7. Anisa Dervina: Sytë e zemrës (Eyes of the Heart)
8. Rijet Pirani: Ike (You went away)
9. Anjeza Shahini: Imazhi yt (Your Reflection)
10. Bashkim Rodoni: Rritu pa mbarim (Grow forever)
11. Eneda Tarifa: Qëndroj (I stay)
12. Rosela Gjylbegu: Hirushja (Cinderella)
13. Françesk Radi: Syri i saj po më verbon (Her Eyes make me blind)
14. Saimir Braho: Fjala (The Word)
15. Mariza Ikonomi: Mbi urë (Upon the Bridge)

The following participants made it to the final, which will be held tonight:
1. Orges Toçe
2. Rudi & Ingrid Jushi
3. Voltan Prodani
4. Aurel Thellimi
5. Arbër Arapi
6. Kozma Dushi
7. Ermiona Lekbello
8. Klajdi Musabelli
9. Evis Mula
10. Rovena Dilo
11. Andi Kongo
12. Kujtim Prodani
13. Edmond Mancaku
14. Anisa Dervina
15. Anjeza Shahini
16. Eneda Tarifa
17. Rosela Gjylbegu
18. Françesk Radi
19. Mariza Ikonomi

The singer who is going to represent Albania at their very first participation in the Eurovision Song Contest will be selected through a 50/50 mix of televoting and jury.