RAI, the Italian national broadcaster, has unveiled the 2022 Eurovision stage. Italy has come up with one of the most ambitious and iconic Eurovision stages in the competition.

The 2022 Eurovision stage has been designed by Atelier Francesca Montinaro, a Rome based designing company which has great experience in designing stages, having been the designers behind the 2013 and 2019 Sanremo Song Festival stages.

Francesca Montinaro has designed the Eurovision 2022 stage along with her team, we must note that it is the first time in 5 years that we will be having a new stage designer as Florian Wieder has been the Eurovision stage designer since 2017 having designed all the stages since then ( 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020/ 2021).

The 2022 Eurovision stage’s concept is The Sun Within! RAI has come up with one of the most modern and state of the art stages to grace the competition which include an Italian garden, a water water and the inspiration of the sun. The stage will feature the movements of light and the kinetic sun.

Francesca Montinaro says:
The kinetic sun, source of spectacular movements and tricks of light, rules the stage and represents our Italian attitude: always on the move, rebellious, creative, welcoming, passionate, intuitive. We are the ones with the sun within, and this is our way to be in this world.
The cascade of water that frames the stage, allegorically represents the sea that surrounds us, a symbol of our complex culture. The stage is our peninsula: a country where each contestant is welcomed, no matter where they are coming from.
The artists and their teams will be hosted in a lush Italian garden, where vegetation mingles with rays of light, suspended between reality and illusion, transporting them to a playful and architectural dimension.

The 2022 Eurovision Song Contest is scheduled to be held on 10, 12 and 14 May at the Pala Olimpico in Turin, Italy.
Source: RAI/eurovision.tv
Cover photo: eurovision tv/Francesca Montinaro