Tonight: The 4th and last semi-final of Melodifestivalen 2021!

by Stratos Agadellis 1,113 views

The semi-finals round is coming to an end for Melodifestivalen 2021. Tonight we’ll be watching the 4th and last semi-final, live from Stockholm.

As with all other shows, the 4th semi-final will take place in Annexet in Stockholm, hosted by the show’s producer Christer Björkman. Björkman will be joined by Per Andersson and Pernilla Wahlgren.

Per Andersson, Pernilla Wahlgren & Christer Björkman © Kristianstadsbladet

The participants

Below we can see the seven acts of tonight’s show. Two of them will qualify directly to the final on 13 March, while two more will perform again at the Second Chance round, next Saturday 6 March.

The Mamas, the girl band won last year’s Melodifestivalen but failed to perform in Eurovision due to its cancellation are in the hope of being the lucky winners once again. Moreover, Eric Saade will try to reach the Eurovision stage once again, 10 years after his highly successful participation with Popular (2011, 3rd place).

The running order is:

  1. Tess MerkelGood life
  2. LovadAllting är precis likadant
  3. Efraim LeoBest of me
  4. The MamasIn the middle
  5. SannexAll inclusive
  6. Clara KlingenströmBehöver inte dig idag
  7. Eric SaadeEvery minute

Here you may listen to 1-minute snippets of all seven entries as released by SVT. A look at the artists’ rehearsal clips is also possible.

How to watch

The show will air live at 20:00 CET. You can follow it via:

  • SVT1
  • Live webcast via

Melodifestivalen 2021 agenda

  • Semi-final 1 – 6 February 2021
  • Semi-final 2 – 13 February 2021
  • Semi-final 3 – 20 February 2021
  • Semi-final 4 – 27 February 2021
  • Second Chance – 6 March 2021
  • Grand Final – 13 March 2021

Sweden will be taking place at the first half of the first semi-final on 18 May.

The 65th Eurovision Song Contest will be held on 1820, and 22 May 2021 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the exact scenario under which the 3 shows will be hosted will be announced in the weeks to come.