Azerbaijan: Ell and Nikki at MUZ TV Awards!

by Sanjay (Sergio) Jiandani 139 views

Last Friday the 2011 MUZ TV Awards were held at 2009 Eurovision Song Contest venue, the Olimpiskii Stadium in Moscow. The 2011 Eurovision winners from Azerbaijan Ell and Nikki were invited to perform at this mega event. Many famous international and Russian artists attended the event: Tokio Hotel, Arash ( Azerbaijan 2009) and Helena, Dima Bilan and Sergey Lazarev.

The 2011MUZTVAwards this year featured Eurovision stars: the 2011 Azereri winning duo Ell and Nikki, the 2008 Russian Eurovision winner DimaBelan and the 2009 Azeri representative Arash. Russian mega star Sergey Lazarev also perfomed at these Russian music awards.

Ell and Nikki at the MUZ TV Awards 2011

Arash and Helena at the MUZ TV Awards 2011

Dima Bilan at the MUZ TV Awards 2011

Sergey Lazarev at the MUZ TV Awards 2011