Hungary: Kati met the online press

by Michalis Vranis 90 views

Kati Wolf, the Hungarian representative gave a special press conference through Skype to all the online and non online media regarding her performance in Dusseldorf. She also answered journalists' questions about her preparations, personal life and career.

Today, at noon, Kati Wolf gave a special international press conference with the help of the famous communication tool Skype. Along with the host Attila, Kati answered to questions by various reporters around the Europe. Even though there were some delays between greetings and the questions, Kati answered to all the questions with honesty.

Through this conference, we were informed that Kati became a mother recently giving birth to her second child in January. While answering esctoday's question if she's bringing her children to Dusseldorf, she mentioned that only the older one will follow her while the younger one will stay back in Hungary. Her stage appearence will include some special effects, most probably fireworks. Regarding the language that she will sing the song will be bilingual (English and Hungarian) because eventhough Hungarian is a very beautiful language, it's difficult to be comprehend. attended the press conference and asked about Kati's stage performance, her dress and of course the team (dancers and vocalists) that will accompany her. Her team will include 5 more persons which will be backing vocalists and dancers. Regarding her dress, she couldn't reveal any information about it but only that it will be a blue short dress designed by the Hungarian designer, Napsugar von Bittera.

She was also asked by esctoday if she has any favorites from this year's contest. Surprisingly her answer was that she likes the Croatian song Break a leg by Daria Kinzer, a pure dance song.

When Kati Wolf was asked about her favourite song from the Eurovision history, she answered saying that Friderika Bayer's Kinek mondjam el vétkeimet? from 1994 is her favorite. At the end of the press conference, Kati performed two lines of her song's verse in Hungarian.

esctoday would like to thank MTV for inviting us to this conference.