Last year's Eurovision winner Alexander Rybak is facing with a very busy schedule as it was officially confirmed that he will participate in the upcoming edition of Let's dance!, the Swedish version of the world famous show Strictly come dancing. Malin Johansson was named as the official dance instructor of the well-known Norwegian singer.
Alexander Rybak is following the same pattern asnumerousformer Eurovision celebrities whohad chosento increase their popularity by taking part in local dancing contests. The latest Norwegian winner is one of the participants of Let's dance, the Swedish version of the world famous show Strictly come daning.
Although being very busy with his Christmas tour, Alexander Rybak took some time off in order to train himself for the dancing competition together with Malin Johansson, his personal dance instructor. This decision has been made in order to balance the popularity of the former Eurovision winner in Norway.
Rybak'smanager explains the decision of not taking part in the Norwegian edition of the above mentioned dancing competitionusing the following words: "Alexander has had a year with many international concerts. His calendar now allows him todo something completely different. Alexander also believes that Norway probably got a Rybakoverdose in 2009 and 2010, and that it is more balanced in Sweden. He has always felt very welcome there, and he is looking forward for the beginning of the show."
You can watch the official trailer of Let's dance! 2011 by clicking on this link.