t.A.T.u.'s performance will not be interrupted

by Oliver Rau 3,161 views

t.A.T.u.'s performance at the 48th Eurovision Song Contest in Riga this evening should be broadcasted without any interruption, as the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) stated this afternoon. News agency Reuters reported that.

As there are fears that t.A.T.u.'s act could contain unwanted nudity or kissing, which the EBU regards as inappropriate for a family entertainment show, the organizers originally planned to interrupt the live broadcast of t.A.T.u.'s performance and replace it with the taped performance of the second dress rehearsal.

Because singer Julia couldn't perform at the dress rehearsal due to throat problems, the EBU now has no fitting replacement to switch on in case of of an indecent behaviour of the two russian girls.

t.A.T.u.'s management expects Julia to be able to perform tonight.