Marcin Mrozinski adores the good fun

by Edward Montebello 104 views

This year's Polish representative Marcin Mrozinski spoke with in the second interview since his participation last May in Oslo. The singer was a special guest in the EC Germany fan club convention.

Marcin Mrozinski said that the Eurovision Song Contest is good fun and it brought him in many countries. He spoke about the collaboration with this year’s Maltese singer Thea Garrett. The Polish star gave updates about his musical career as he recently performed in a tribute concert to The Beatles in Kiev.

The singer appealed the Polish national broadcaster to change the strategy towards the Eurovision Song Contest in order that Poland will get back on track. Asked about the cartoon network project recorded in London, he described the hectic experience because of the amount of filming in a short time frame. Marcin Mrozinski is willing to return on the Eurovision stage.

Watch the interview below

Edward Montebello

Joined in 2010. He has a passion towards the Eurovision Song Contest and started following it in 1991. Since 2005 he attended the contest and reported live the events related to Europe's favourite show. He taught history and also worked as a journalist with the biggest private television and radio station in Malta. He currently works in the Communications Office at the Ministry for Family & Social Solidarity in Malta.