Romania: 77 songs submitted for the National Eurovision selection

by Aris kalimeris 89 views

TVR, the Romanian national television, announced today that only 77 songs were submitted for the National selection of the song which will represent the country in the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest. There are also the songs that were sent by mail that will probably arrive after 2-3 days but those are not expected to raise the number of submissions dramatically.

According to TVR, the Romanian national television only 77 songs have been received for the country's National selection for the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest. Although this number will rise slightly when the songs in post arrive, it is nevertheless farlower than last year for example when more than 300 songs were submitted.

One of the reasons for this could be that on October 1st TVR announced that the deadline for submitting songs was a little more than a month later, ie5th November something which could be considered as short notice for anyone who did not already have a song ready to send.

Shortly, the exact numberof submitted songs will be made known so stay tuned.